Mica Composites
Mica in its natural form has limitations as to it processibility and versatility and also very high cost for large sheets. To acquire the flexibility, adaptability in consideration of cost factor, Mica Composite is a product in such a form that it is available in composite sheets and a variety of shapes, thickness and sizes. Mica Composite, consisting of Plates, sheets, Formed & Molded parts and tapes are made with mica splitting/flakes by lay-up, bonded with required thermal class binders and hot pressed. Optionally as per application requirement to add extra flexibility, tensile & mechanical strength a variety of reinforcing backing materials are added. In addition to the inherent typical properties of Natural Mica Sheets, Outstanding mechanical strength, high dielectric strength, extreme corona resistance and good voltage endurance are few of the features of Mica Composite. Further more they also provide significant superiority in mechanical strength.
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