Mica Laminates
Mica Laminate is a sheet material/shaped material made from thin flakes of Mica that have been ground up & converted to pulp like paste, and pressed into sheet form, and heated under pressure to bond tiny mica flakes together. Reconstituted mica evolves more gas than the original mica, up to 500 °C. However, at 800 °C, natural mica becomes more gassy than reconstituted mica. Reconstituted mica is available in Sheet and Tape form with various configurations of binders & process as per thermal class ratings, and is used for insulators. It has a dielectric strength of 450~900 volts per mil. The properties of Mica Laminate are highly reproducible in sheet form. Mica Laminate provide in particular heat resistivity and electrical properties characteristic of mica and furthermore the materials retain better uniform thickness compared with the natural mica or Splitting Micanite. They perform excellent flexibility and taping capabilities, therefore taping onto coils can proceed easily.
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